Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Welcome to my first blogger on blogger.com.

This is in response to Tosca's "Shed" blog.

I was in Connecticut for Thanksgiving. My parents and I flew out the Tuesday before Thanksgiving to visit one of my sisters.

My parents don't travel well.

In fact, they should never travel. Ever. Never again. I mean it. Don't make me come back there.

After four days with them, I shaved my head.

I felt like all the hair on my head was retaining bad travel karma and it just had to go. Along with my goatee and a week's worth of other facial hair. It was time. The clippers came out. And most of it is still lying on my bathroom floor and in various piles around the house. Just kidding. I'm actually a very tidy person. Most of the hair is on Tosca's back patio.

I look good. I mean really good. Even if I do say so myself. The clean-cut me is much better than scruffy me.

I hate hair.

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